Learning How to Learn: Creative and Effective Ways to Absorb New Information Quickly

In this world of constantly evolving technology and fast-paced changes, the ability to learn and adapt has become an essential skill for survival. However, traditional education systems and learning methods may not always be effective for everyone. Do you ever feel like you’re not retaining information despite studying for hours? Or do you feel like you’re stuck in a learning rut? If so, this is for you! Here, we’ll explore creative and effective ways to learn that can help you boost your learning abilities.

1. Practice Retrieval Techniques

One of the most effective ways to learn is through retrieval practice. This means actively recalling and reviewing information instead of just passively reading or listening to it. Our brains are wired to remember information when we actively retrieve it. This can be done through flashcards, self-quizzing, and summarizing what you’ve learned in your own words. Retrieval practice also helps you identify areas where you’re struggling so you can focus your efforts accordingly.

2. Create Mind Maps

Visualizing and organizing information can be a great way to memorize and understand complex concepts. Mind maps are a creative and fun way to do this. Mind maps are diagrams that show the relationships between different ideas, concepts, or information. By connecting related ideas visually, you’re more likely to retain the information in long-term memory. There are numerous mind-mapping tools available online, such as MindMeister, MindNode, and Coggle.

3. Watch Videos and Listen to Podcasts

Sometimes, traditional text-based learning can get boring or repetitive. That’s where edutainment comes in – education through entertainment. Videos and podcasts are great ways to learn while being entertained at the same time. For instance, YouTube channels like Vsauce, TED, and Crash Course offer a variety of educational videos on diverse topics- from science and history to philosophy and economics. Similarly, podcasts like Radiolab, Stuff You Should Know, and Freakonomics can make learning more engaging through storytelling and interviews.

4. Play Educational Games

Who says learning has to be boring? Educational games are a fun way to test your knowledge and skills while learning something new at the same time. Many popular games can actually help boost your memory, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities. For instance, games like Brain Age, Lumosity, and Elevate are designed to improve cognitive abilities by challenging your brain in various ways.

5. Take Breaks and Exercise

Our brains need rest and physical activity to function at optimal levels. Taking breaks and exercising not only relaxes the mind and body but also helps improve concentration, memory retention, and creativity. Studies show that even a short walk or a workout can improve cognitive function. So, take a break, move around, and get some fresh air – your brain will thank you for it.


Learning is a life-long process, and it’s important to find ways that work for you. Whether it’s through retrieval techniques, mind mapping, educational videos, games, or breaks and exercises, there are plenty of creative ways to boost your learning abilities. So, shake things up, try new methods, and keep learning. After all, learning should never stop, and neither should the fun!